About Me
During highschool I took two computer science classes one of which being an AP class, and that is what really got me started on the coding world. I really enjoyed it and did some self teaching before going to Midlands Code Academy. There is where I learned to be a fullstack web developer and really started honing my skills with bigger completed projects to show for it.
Multiplayer Word Game
I built this with 4 others in my coding boot camp as our final project. It functions similar to wordle in game functionality but adds Multiplayer rooms for people to join. The winner is decided in a battle royal type of manor. Meaning you need to guess correctly before everyone else and losers will not participate in the following rounds.
Technologies / frameworks
React, React-Redux, Material UI, Node js, Express, Socket.io, MySQL
Video Streaming App
An app for steaming and uploading videos, movies and tv shows. (upload currently disabled in demo)
Technologies / frameworks
React, React-Redux, React Context, Material UI, Node js, Express, MySQL
Recipe App
An app that utilizes Spoonacular's API to find recipes. Then you can and add them to favorites as well as add ingredients to your pantry / shopping list.
Technologies / frameworks
React, React Context, Material UI, Node js, Express, MySQL, Spoonacular's API
Black Jack
A simple browser black jack game for up to 5 players to play against the dealer. Multiplayer not currently supported.
Technologies / frameworks
HTML, CSS, Javascript